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Your comments about a journal has inspired me, but in a slightly different way. I am dealing with my son's dementia, and I had to start at ground zero. Evidently his early symptions occured while he lived and worked in New York and I lived in Texas.

When he lost his job and his marriage failed he ended up back in Texas and moved in with me. It only took me two weeks to decide that there was something definitely wrong, but dementia never crossed my mind.

It took nearly two years to get a diagnosis of Vascular Dementia. That's when I started my research. I had never heard of Vascular Dementia, and for a good while I didn't learn much from my searching on the narrow topic. Everything I found concentrated on general dementia or Alzheimer's Disease.

So, here is where your letter inspired me. I have started (but not yet published) a site on Substack focusing strictly on Vascular Dementia. My planned date to go live with my site is September 24, 2023.

The site is Dementia, Vascular. If you have time, please access the site. I would appreciate any comments you would have, and if you think my site will be beneficial, please add a drop of encouragement. I'm really new at this.

Thank you,


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